Suitable for Step 1, 4
10 to 60 minutes
Material Needed
Prepared cards
Group size
Up to six
To strengthen the learners’ reasoning ability, expression, and vocabulary.
Term - a word or phrase used to describe a thing or to express a concept, especially in a particular kind of language or branch of study.
The basic idea is that learners have to explain a term without using a number of words. Learners get a card with the term to be explained, as well as certain words they are not allowed to use to explain the term.
Contribution to Systems Thinking competence
The explanation of a term without key words is possible if one understands the term. Taboo is a way of encouraging learners to think about terms and try to comprehend the meaning in a deeper way.
Learners draw upon your vocabulary and ability to describe by using other words and in the process, delve into more complex thoughts.
Explain “chips” without using the words “potato”, “snack”, “crisp” or “crunchy” or any brand names.
A possible answer could be “a food item, enjoyed by people of all ages, made from tubers, available in colourful packets”.
Explain “cotton” without using the words “plant”, “wool” and “white”
A possible answer could be:
The word I have to explain marks an agricultural product, which is mainly produced in semi-arid regions like South or Central Asia, where sufficient high temperatures are provided as well as the possibility to irrigate. The part of that agricultural product, which is of economic interest, is its fluffy part surrounded by carpels. This soft stuff is processed and is used to produce yarn, cloth and billions of T-Shirts, underwear, and skirts for the global market.