Back-To-Back Sitting

Back-to-Back Sitting

Suitable for Step 1


30 minutes

Material Needed

Sheets of blank paper (at least 2 per pair), pens or pencils, erasers
A collection of objects, pictures or names of items written on small cards

Group size

Up to 30 in pairs


To strengthen the learners’ ability to prepare structured, detailed, and correct descriptions.


  1. Ask each pair to sit back-to-back on two chairs.
  2. Distribute the objects (or pictures or name cards) to the pairs, one per pair. Give the object to only one person in each team, without telling the other member of the pair what it is.
  3. The one who receives the object must describe it to the partner without naming it.
  4. As the partner hears the description, he/she should draw on paper the item being described according to the understanding gained from the oral description. After completing their description and drawing, the pair can sit together and compare the actual object with the drawing prepared.
  5. With this experience, they reflect on the ability to describe correctly and trace their progress with repeated rounds.

Preparing a detailed description of a topic helps to clarify and present ones’ understanding of the topic.


The drawing of a field with flowering cotton plants according to the description of the learning partner will open the eyes of both learners for a blue sky, barren surrounding, an ordered arrangement of plants, their identical heights, the colour of their blossoms, parts of the irrigation system including trenches and pumps, and much more.


Based on such a detailed description and the resulting drawing, the learner will be equipped to ask further leading questions, to understand the reality of the topic more deeply.