Advocatus Diaboli

Advocatus Diaboli

Suitable for Steps 3, 6, 7, 8, 10


15 to 45 minutes

Material Needed


Group size

About 30. More effective if fewer than 25.


To develop and strengthen skills to discuss, debate and present a convincing case.


The ``Advocatus Diaboli``, the Devil's Lawyer, is a position either the teacher or a very well-informed and rhetorically strong learner can take in a discussion. The Devil's Lawyer principally takes an ``against`` position. In the debate, he/ she will always be against the arguments presented and provoke the other debaters. In doing so, he/ she trains them to discuss clearly, convincingly, and present rhetorically more robust arguments.

Initially, to stimulate debate, the teacher or facilitator may encourage the expression of a wide range of views. From among broader ideas, further vivid and controversial debate can help identify positions and lead to a second round of thinking and imagination of causes and consequences. Eventually, facilitation may guide the learners or participants to examine values underlying different positions. The facilitator needs to take care to eventually de-personalize positions and views from individual participants.


  • Potato chips should be abolished for improved health.
  • There should be widespread use of GM (genetically modified) seeds to increase cotton production.
  • Drinking water supplies may be diverted to increase cotton production.
Contribution to Systems Thinking competence

The exchange of arguments enhances the individual and collective understanding of a chosen topic. Individuals are exposed to other points of view and have an opportunity to examine their opinions and understanding.